A few words on suicidal thoughts

Suicidal thoughts are common and nothing to be ashamed of. Having suicidal thoughts does not mean that you actually want to take your life, it’s usually because you want to change your situation and end the suffering you’re experiencing.

Talk to others – it helps

If you have suicidal thoughts, don’t keep them to yourself. You need to talk to someone you trust. This could be someone you know or someone on a support line. You may also need to seek treatment to feel better.

You can talk to others to see other ways and options. You may need help to cope, from someone who can listen and help you see the situation differently. There may be many people around you who want to help without you realising it. If you feel that you have lost control of your life and lost all hope, suicide may feel like a way out. You may think that by taking your own life you are taking back control of your life. Suicide may seem like a solution to your problems. But ending your life is not a solution; on the contrary, it eliminates your chances of change.

What’s it like to have suicidal thoughts?

When you have thoughts of suicide, it’s common to think that nothing can get better, that you’ve burned all your bridges, that it’s all over. Even if this is not really true, you may feel convinced that it is. Your brain is just as strongly affected by your thoughts about how things are as if they were real. This is why suicidal thoughts can feel very convincing.

Thinking about taking your life can feel like a relief in the moment, like a small break from your problems. At the same time, these thoughts can feel forbidden, shameful and increase your anxiety. This is because they are thoughts that challenge the norm of what makes up our society. The norm is to take care of yourself and be successful and positive, not to want to end your life. This norm can feel very difficult to live up to when you feel bad. It is common that thoughts of not being able to cope with life can make you withdraw from other people and feel very lonely. This is exactly when you need to tell someone how you feel.

How do you get rid of suicidal thoughts?

If you have suicidal thoughts, don’t keep them to yourself, but talk to someone. You may feel alone and isolated in your situation, but in fact many people have thought and felt the same way. Putting your thoughts into words in front of a listener can help you find new ways to look at your problems and discover new ways to solve them.

When you’re alone with your dark thoughts, they can grow and become stronger. Instead, talking about your darkest thoughts can function a bit like with a fairy tale troll. They “burn up in sunlight”. Once you have shared your thoughts with someone else, you’re no longer alone.
The world is full of people who’ve had suicidal thoughts earlier in life, but have overcome them, and even have difficulty in retrospect understanding what they were thinking when they were at their worst.

When should I seek help?

If you have serious thoughts of suicide, don’t hesitate in seeking professional help. Contact a health centre or a psychiatric clinic. If you find it difficult to make contact yourself, you can ask someone to accompany you.

It’s good to do this as soon as possible. There is help available and you have the right to get it. If you have serious suicidal thoughts or concrete plans to take your own life, you should seek help immediately.

Links and telephone numbers

If you have difficulty reaching us, you can contact any of the following or read more about suicidal thoughts here:

Organizations and emergency centres that can help