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Many people have a hard time focusing or concentrating, and feel restless now and then. If you have the condition ADHD, this is something that is always present may have a large impact on your daily life. For example it can make it difficult for you to cope with school and work.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but not everyone with ADHD is hyperactive.

Different types of ADHD

ADHD means that a person has a difficulty managing their attention. There are different types of ADHD. If you have trouble concentrating, difficulty controlling impulsive behaviour and are active, you have one type of ADHD. If you have difficulty concentrating without being impulsive, you may have ADD. A third form means a person is only hyperactive and impulsive. This form is most common among younger children, and they usually either grow out of it or it evolves into a combined form of ADHD later on.

What is it like to have ADHD?

You may have trouble being on time and keeping track of your things, for example. It is also difficult to sort impressions, since you give equal attention to everything you see and hear. Long, complicated instructions and getting started with things aren’t as easy for you as for people without ADHD, either. The same goes for finishing things you’ve started. You are often more restless than other people. Many people with ADHD tend to daydream and think about things completely different from what is in front of them, in situations such as classes, lectures and meetings.

ADHD varies from person to person

ADHD manifests in different ways depending on who you are. Your personality, your temperament, your personal qualities, values and interests also affect what you are like and how you function. The restlessness that many people with ADHD experience takes different forms. Some people have difficulty sitting still, while others tend to feel an inner restlessness. Since social norms for boys/men and girls/women are different, ADHD may also appear different.

ADHD can result in impairment

The higher the demands placed on you, the greater an obstacle you may feel your ADHD to be. Not being able to manage or control your way of operating may result in your being misunderstood and frustrated. It can lead to conflicts with people around you. Since schools and workplaces frequently don’t give you the best circumstances for your condition, this may result in impairment. It’s important to remember that a poor reception is often due to ignorance.

What is the cause of ADHD?

It is a congenital sensitivity in the brain’s nervous system that affects how you function in certain situations. It is often hereditary, but external events such as premature birth  may also have an effect to a certain extent. It may appear early in childhood, and many people outgrow it.

Where should I seek help?

If you believe you have ADHD, you should contact a health centre or psychiatric clinic, where you will receive assistance in evaluating whether you indeed have ADHD, or if there may be other reasons for your difficulties. The first step is usually to meet a doctor or psychologist who performs an initial evaluation. Next you undergo an examination that indicates whether you have ADHD or not.

What sort of help can I receive?

You can receive means of assistance at school, at work and in your daily life. There is also medication that can mitigate the symptoms of ADHD. If you have ADHD, you often need a well-structured daily life and you need assistance in achieving this. Demands, expectations and the environment need to be adapted to avoid stress and overload.